25.12.2015 17:13, Ur@nuz пишет:
static struct LogerInfo
         string func;
         int line;

         void write(T...)(T data)
             import std.stdio;
             import std.algorithm: splitter;
             import std.range: retro;
             import std.range: take;
             import std.array: array;

             string shortFuncName =
             writeln( shortFuncName, "[", line, "]:  ", data );
You can do following http://dpaste.dzfl.pl/41c57f89a5a0
The reason of compile error is your using a range as a separator, change it to single symbol and it works. Also I used 'array' after 'take' to make range bidirectional to let next 'retro' works. And 'join' joins result to string with '.' as a separator.

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