Dear D Gurus,

I am trying to access functionality in the glpk C library using extern(C). It has graph structs in its header file that are specified in an odd recurring manner that I cannot reproduce in D:

typedef struct glp_graph glp_graph;
typedef struct glp_vertex glp_vertex;
typedef struct glp_arc glp_arc;

struct glp_graph
      glp_vertex **v; /* glp_vertex *v[1+nv_max];

struct glp_vertex
      glp_arc *in;
      glp_arc *out;

struct glp_arc
      glp_vertex *tail;
      glp_vertex *head;
      glp_arc *t_prev;
      glp_arc *t_next;
      glp_arc *h_prev;
      glp_arc *h_next;

you may also spot that the in, and out keywords are used as members in the struct, which gives an error in D. These structs are required for functions in the library so need to be included in the D interface file.

How do I reproduce these structs in in D?


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