Hello all,
I'm having a *really* weird problem (at least I think so). I have a function on a struct that converts it into JSON. Everything works, no big deal. But when I try to turn that JSONValue into a string, I get a UTF-8 Error. What makes it even weirder, is that if I call toJSON before I return it in my conversion function everything works.

Full GIST example is here: https://gist.github.com/alexmherrmann/f0441404497d5be4ba58

Here is my toJson function:

JSONValue fdToJson() {
    JSONValue[string] obj;

    auto outtime = JSONValue(modtime.date.toISOExtString());
    obj["modtime"] = outtime;

    auto fname = JSONValue(filename);
    obj["filename"] = fname;

    auto outmd5 = JSONValue(cast(string) toHexString(md5_hash));
    obj["md5"] = outmd5;

    auto jav = JSONValue(obj);

    err("tojson created:\n%s".format(jav.toPrettyString()));
    return jav;

This works perfectly, the string is well formatted and nothing is wrong:

tojson created:
    "filename": "test.txt",
    "md5": "CF5B097A991BEEA7D5E2D1818DF1AADF",
    "modtime": "2016-01-31"

however, when I do this:

auto a = fd.fdToJson();

I get this error: core.exception.UnicodeException@src/rt/util/utf.d(290): invalid UTF-8 sequence

Note that I am running 2.070.0.

Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong?

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