On Tuesday, 16 February 2016 at 08:04:29 UTC, Nordlöw wrote:
In my knowledge hypergraph I currently have a

struct Path
    Node start;
    Step[] steps;

struct Step
    Fact fact;
    Node node;

where Node and Fact a reference types (class).

I now want to implement

auto byLink(Path path);

so that it returns a lazy range of Links where

struct Link
    Node source;
    Fact fact;
    Node destination;

In other Words, if I have a Path instance describing

N1 >=F1=> N2 >=F2=> N3


start: F1


steps: [(F1, N2), (F2, N3)]

I want byLink to return

[(N1, F1, N2), (N2, F2, N3)]

How do accomplish this?

I'm guessing std.range.zip should play a role here.

Something like this:



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