On Thursday, 25 February 2016 at 21:40:45 UTC, Wyatt wrote:
I have a project I started in Python before I realised I really don't enjoy Python. It's been on the back-burner for a few years and I'd like to start again in D, but there's a particular python module (Mutagen) that I outright refuse to reimplement. What's the state of the art in calling Python code from D?

I have a hunch PyD fits somewhere in this equation, but the documentation is pretty sparse, and what little I can find about this area makes it seem like a fairly tedious manual process. Is there a less-painful and intensive way to truss things up? Something to generate a simple D wrapper from a python module?


If you want to call python from D, you should be able to install pyd with dub. Depending on your python setup, it should Just Work. If python is set up weird (ubuntu), you will need to generate some custom dub config and insert it in your dub.json. look for generate_dub_config.py on github for the generation part. or install pyd with pip and run python -m pyd.generate_dub_config

after that, you should be good to go. some example usage off the top of my head that probably doesn't compile:

InterpContext context = new InterpContext();
  from mutagen.flac import FLAC
  audio = FLAC("example.flac")
  audio["title"] = "An example"
auto audio = context.audio;

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