On Tuesday, 22 March 2016 at 07:17:41 UTC, Hanh wrote:
Hi all,

I'm trying to process a rather large file as an InputRange and run into something strange with byChunk / take.

void test() {
        auto file = new File("test.txt");
        auto input = file.byChunk(2).joiner;
        foreach (char c; input) {

Let's say test.txt contains "123456".

The output will be

The "take" consumed one chunk from the file, but if I increase the chunk size to 4, then it won't.

It looks like if "take" spans two chunks, it affects the input range otherwise it doesn't.

Actually, what is the easiest way to read a large file as a stream? My file contains a bunch of serialized messages of variable length.


I have the feeling that it's related to the forward only nature of an InputRange. All would be ok with a take(N)+popFrontN method. I'm going to keep looking.

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