On Wednesday, 23 March 2016 at 10:49:03 UTC, Nordlöw wrote:
HTML-docs here:


Indeed, though the docs are still a work in progress (the lib is now about 6 years old, but until recently, ddoc blocked me from using examples in the comments so I didn't bother. I've fixed that now though, but haven't finished writing them all up).

Basic idea though for web scraping:

auto document = new Document();

// supports most the CSS syntax, and you might also know it from jQuery
Element[] elements = document.querySelectorAll("css selector");
// or if you just want the first hit or null if none...
Element element = document.querySelector("css selector");

And once you have a reference:


to print its contents in some form.

You can do a lot more too (a LOT more), but just these functions should get you started.

The parseGarbage function will also need you to compile in the characterencodings.d file from my same github. It will handle charset detection and translation as well as tag soup parsing. I use it for a lot of web scraping myself.

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