On Monday, 4 April 2016 at 03:28:01 UTC, Yuxuan Shui wrote:
I have encountered a weird bug.

I defined a Set class, which has a opBinary!"-". And somehow this:

auto tmp = set_a-set_b;

produces different results as this:

set_a = set_a-set_b;

the latter will produce an empty set.

I tried to reduce the source code to get a test case. But this problem just goes away after removing some code.

Any ideas what I could have done wrong?

OK, I think I got a test case:

import std.traits;
struct Set {
        void insert(ulong v) {
                aa[v] = true;
        size_t size() const {
                return aa.length;
        auto opBinary(string op)(ref Set o) const {
                Set ret;
                foreach(k; aa.byKey)
                        if (k !in o.aa)
                return ret;
        @disable this(this);
        bool[ulong] aa;

struct XX {
        Set a, b, tmp;
        this(int n) {
                tmp = a-b;
                a = a-b;
void main(){
        import std.stdio;
        XX xx = XX(1000);

This does not happen when 'a' is on stack, that's why I was having trouble reproducing it.

I don't think this is valid code, because Set has disabled post-blit, 'a = a-b' should report an error. However, I don't think current behavior of dmd is correct either.

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