On 04/08/2016 02:42 PM, Dicebot wrote:

>> Thanks Dicebot. I don't think the included
>> std.concurrency.FiberScheduler has support for message passing because
>> FiberScheduler.spawn does not return a Tid. If so, I don't see how
>> it's possible to send messages between fibers.
>> Ali
> Looks like a (funny) oversight.

Sorry, I misled you. :)

> Note that you get it for get fiber via
> https://github.com/D-Programming-Language/phobos/blob/master/std/concurrency.d#L1337
> (and FiberScheduler specifically extends Fiber to add ThreadInfo to it)
> but there is no clear way to pass that info to spawn host. I have a
> feeling that if that code is patched to simply provide Tid, message
> passing will just magically work. Needs to be checked though.

It turns out, instead of calling scheduler.spawn() directly, the program sets the __gshared 'scheduler' variable first and then calls spawn() as usual, which does return that fiber's Tid:

import std.stdio;
import std.concurrency;
import std.range;
import std.algorithm;

struct Done {

void workerTask(int id) {
    writefln("workerTask %s started", id);

    bool done = false;
    while (!done) {
            (int message) {
                writefln("workerTask %s received %s", id, message);
                ownerTid.send(message * id);
            (Done message) {
                writefln("workerTask %s received Done", id);
                done = true;

        // Seems not to be needed:
        // scheduler.yield();

    writefln("workerTask %s exiting", id);

void mainTask() {
    enum workerCount = 5;
    enum loopCount = 3;

    writeln("mainTask started");

    auto workers = iota(workerCount)
                   .map!(id => spawn(&workerTask, id))

    foreach (i; 0 .. loopCount) {
        foreach (id, worker; workers) {
            auto response = receiveOnly!int();
            assert(response == i * id);
            writefln("mainTask received %s", response);

    writeln("mainTask sending Done messages");

    foreach (worker; workers) {

    writeln("mainTask exiting");

void main() {
    scheduler = new FiberScheduler;


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