On Thursday, 14 April 2016 at 05:54:38 UTC, David Skluzacek wrote:
So, that message is a pretty cryptic, but the problem there is that map does its thing at runtime, but partial is a template and must be instantiated at compile time.

Instead you can use std.meta.staticMap, by doing something like this:


void main()
    import std.stdio;
    import std.functional;
    import std.meta;

    AA aa = new AA();
    int delegate(int, Props) sg;
    sg = &aa.Foo;

    template partialSG(alias a)
        alias partialSG = partial!(sg, a);
    alias indarr = AliasSeq!(0, 1, 2, 3, 4);
    alias funs = staticMap!(partialSG, indarr);

    foreach (fun; funs)
        writeln( fun(Props.p1) );
        writeln( fun(Props.p2) );

Ah, ok... so, it was my mistake due to runtime <-> compile time templates. Thanks.

But, this would help, only if I know the total amount of my elements at compile time. Say, the length of the indarr would be known. What if I don't have this information? In reality, this information is already known for the constructors of my classes. But it seems very strange to me, to let the user recompile the program each time with some compiler flag in order to deliver this parameter a step prior to this.

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