On Friday, 22 April 2016 at 01:55:36 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:
On Thursday, 21 April 2016 at 22:59:58 UTC, Alex wrote:
Ok... I make slices of them, carefully avoiding to make copies...

Yeah, that shouldn't make a difference..

Wait, wait... I try to make slices of the array of delegates, because I thought the slicing operation is cheaper, then another possibilities... And I try to make them as little as possible.

Huh? I think, this is the place, where I lack some background... So, I bind my delegates via

Can you post any more of your code?

Sure. Which part? ;)
the delegate is defined directly in a model as
uint dDelegate(uint id, MM p);

and the method delegateDefinition inside the binding responsible class has a form like
uint delegateDefinition(uint id, MM p)
    uint retVal;
    final switch(p) with(MM)
        case first: return callSomeFuncFromThisObject(id); break;
case second: return id; break; // this the one and only case, which is unusual case third: return knownObjectByThisObject.callAnotherFunc(id); break;

And a slice returning method inside the responsible class has a form like
typeof(.delegates) getSlice(uint i)
    uint first = someLogic(i);
    uint last = someOtherLogic(i);
    return .delegates[first .. last];

Indeed, the getSlice operation is the slowest, because of the getting the first and the last operations. So I reduce the calls to slice returning methods to this one and only method. And I call it as rare as possible. But I hope the slicing itself does not copy anything which is seen anyway by every other object. The getSlice method should just return the proper, well, slice, based on the given input.

return iota(delegatesAmount).map!(a => (MM p) => .dDelegate(a, p));

This would indeed allocate a new heap block for each one, but there might be other ways to do it.

Yes. I'm sure the object is alive till the very end. As mentioned above, do you think it is worth to make a struct to save a result from iota? Nevertheless, my intention here is speed, so a fast solution is much better, then any slow one, even if the speed gain is 10% only... But the construction effort is almost negligible.

I don't know yet, if construction is allowed to be slower, what you have is fine though.

Cool :)

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