On 05/19/2016 05:04 PM, chmike wrote:
interface AThing { ??? string name ??? }

class OneThing : AThing { ??? string name ??? "OneThing" ??? }

class OtherThing : AThing { ??? string name ??? "OtherThing" ??? }

void main()
    // Accessing name as static information
    writeln(OneThing.name ??? );

    // Accessing name through polymorphism
    AThing tbl;
    tbl ~= new OneThing;
    tbl ~= new OtherThing;
    tbl ~= new OneThing;
    foreach(a; tbl) writeln(a.name???);

The only viable solution I found so far is by using distinct member
names. In the interface we define name as a property, and in the class
we define the static member with another name. Is it possible to avoid
the different names ?

Here's what I could come up with. I wouldn't be surprised if there was a simpler way to do it.

interface AThing
    final string name() { return nameImpl(); }
    string nameImpl();

class OneThing : AThing
    static string name() { return "OneThing"; }
    override string nameImpl() { return name(); }

class OtherThing : AThing
    static string name() { return "OtherThing"; }
    override string nameImpl() { return name(); }

void main()
   import std.stdio;

   // Accessing name as static information

   // Accessing name through polymorphism
   AThing[] tbl;
   tbl ~= new OneThing;
   tbl ~= new OtherThing;
   tbl ~= new OneThing;
   foreach(a; tbl) writeln(a.name);

Can use a mixin template to reduce the boilerplate:

interface AThing
    final string name() { return nameImpl(); }
    string nameImpl();

    mixin template nameMixin()
        static string name() { return typeof(this).stringof; }
        override string nameImpl() { return name(); }

class OneThing : AThing { mixin AThing.nameMixin; }
class OtherThing : AThing { mixin AThing.nameMixin; }

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