On Saturday, 21 May 2016 at 01:09:42 UTC, Alex Parrill wrote:
On Friday, 20 May 2016 at 22:10:51 UTC, tsbockman wrote:
If that's not a satisfactory answer, please show some specific examples of code that you don't know how to make work without VK_NULL_HANDLE so that I can propose a workaround.

Because, as I mentioned in the OP, for VK_NULL_HANDLE to work like it does in C on 32-bit systems, it needs to be compatible with both pointer types (VkDevice, VkInstance, etc) and 64-bit integer types (VkFence, VkSemaphore, many others).

That is not code. As I said, there are many possible workarounds, but it is hard to say which is best for you without actually seeing your code.

As an example, if VK_NULL_HANDLE only ever needs to be assigned to opaque types on the D side (that is, types that serve only as an ID or address for communicating with the C side), you could do this:

private struct VkNullHandle { }
enum VK_NULL_HANDLE = VkNullHandle.init;

mixin template VkHandle(bool dispatchable) {
        static if (dispatchable || (size_t.sizeof == 8))
                void* bits = null;
                ulong bits = 0;
        this(typeof(this) that) {
                this.bits = that.bits; }
        this(VkNullHandle that) {
                this.bits = typeof(this.bits).init; }

        ref typeof(this) opAssign(typeof(this) that) {
                this.bits = that.bits;
                return this;
        ref typeof(this) opAssign(VkNullHandle that) {
                this.bits = typeof(this.bits).init;
                return this;

struct VkDevice { mixin VkHandle!true; }
struct VkInstance { mixin VkHandle!true; }

struct VkFence { mixin VkHandle!false; }
struct VkSemaphore { mixin VkHandle!false; }

void main() {
        VkInstance a = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
        VkFence b = VK_NULL_HANDLE;

(DPaste: https://dpaste.dzfl.pl/8f4ce39a907f )

The above is typesafe, and can easily be made compatible with a typical C API, since C does no parameter-related name mangling.

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