I'm writing my own map function modeled after the one in phobos. (because I feel like it, that's why. good learning experience.) I've encountered one remarkable difference: The phobos function accepts arrays and mine does not. I understand why - I'm calling methods that arrays don't have - but what I don't understand is why the phobos function _does_ work. I haven't been able to find what in the phobos code accounts for iterables that aren't ranges.

What am I missing?

    enum canMap(T) = isInputRange!(Unqual!T);

    auto map(alias func, Range)(Range range) if(canMap!Range){
        return Mapping!(func, Range)(range);

    struct Mapping(alias func, Range) if(canMap!Range){

        alias URange = Unqual!Range;
        Range input;

        this(URange input){
            this.input = input;

        void popFront(){
        @property auto ref front(){
            return func(this.input.front);

        static if(isBidirectionalRange!URange){
            @property auto ref back(){
                return func(this.input.back);
            void popBack(){

        static if(isInfinite!URange){
            enum bool empty = false;
            @property bool empty(){
                return this.input.empty;

        static if(isRandomAccessRange!URange){
            static if(is(typeof(URange.opIndex) == function)){
                alias Index = Parameters!(URange.opIndex)[0];
                alias Index = size_t;
            auto ref opIndex(Index index){
                return func(this.input[index]);

        static if(is(typeof(URange.opDollar))){
            alias opDollar = URange.opDollar;

        static if(hasLength!URange){
            @property auto length(){
                return this.input.length;

        static if(hasSlicing!URange){
            static if(is(typeof(URange.opIndex) == function)){
                alias SliceIndex = Parameters!(URange.opIndex)[0];
                alias SliceIndex = size_t;
            auto opSlice(SliceIndex low, SliceIndex high){
                return typeof(this)(this.input[low .. high]);

        static if(isForwardRange!URange){
            @property auto save(){
                return typeof(this)(this.input.save);


    version(unittest) import mach.error.unit;
        import std.stdio;
        //import std.algorithm : map; // Works with this

        // no property 'popFront', etc for type 'int[]'
            [1, 2, 3].map!((item) => (item * item))

Tangentially related question - Why does phobos use isInputRange!(Unqual!T) instead of just isInputRange!T? What's the functional difference here?

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