On Saturday, 28 May 2016 at 12:25:14 UTC, Lodovico Giaretta wrote:
The problem is that T is a type, and I should check for safety of every method of T that I'm using in my function. This does not scale well, and if I change the body of the function to use a new method, I may forget to add it to the isSafe checks.

I think i see what's going on then. Had to re-read it a few times. So ignore my previous reply.

Easiest solution is to mark the entire struct as @safe or @trusted. Problem goes away (as long as you don't forcibly change it)

 Second is to force the check on the function before the call.

  static assert(isSafe!T.dosomething);

Third... You could put in @safe code and have it complain? (might not work)

 @safe {
pt.dosomething(); //if not @safe/@trusted it will refuse to compile

Fourth, you could create a helper function/template that cycles through a struct of your choice and tells you if any of it's methods fail to be safe. This will require a little more work, but it could be used as a full insurance and only requires a single template call on your function to ensure the safety.

I can try and make this fourth one, but this isn't something I've done often.

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