On Wednesday, 8 June 2016 at 17:43:23 UTC, dewitt wrote:
vibes website doesn't use a proxy.

Yes, but more people visit dlang.org, and it makes it more official if it is showcased here as a visible part of the website (one way or another).

But if D wants to compete in web then there are alot of better areas to improve on like ORMs (I know not everyone likes them but they have their use cases and users), DB support, etc. That will attract more ppl more than some proxy would..

Probably. I don't know.

I can only tell what I am looking out for:

- good memcache client
- good nosql interface
- easy deployment in the cloud (in my case Google, but could be any other vendor)

And optionally:
- fast javascript interpreter/JIT (for precompiling pages)

I mean D could also be used to build a database but why when there are already used alternatives..

A database is no point as people won't use it unless it is proven rock solid (wait and see for a decade). Interfacing with infrastructure is more important.

Working well without a proxy/frontend is useful, when you start thinking about things like websockets etc.

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