On Sunday, 12 June 2016 at 05:11:57 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:

For convenience, here's the link:

unfortunately iPads are not supported to view the video. :(

I see two major benefits of fibers overs threads.

Fibers don't need synchronization to access shared data. This removes the overhead of synchronization and simplifies "multitheaded" programming greatly.

The second benefit is that fibers have a much lower time cost of context switching. When a fiber yields the processor to another fiber, the switch is immediate and the other fiber can immediatly resume its task. With threads, you have to wait that the OS give the processor back to your process. This can take some time when there are many other threads competing for the processor. The performance difference is the most notable when the amount of work to do between switches is small.

Most popular and succesfull use for fibers is for asynchronous or event driven processing.

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