On Wednesday, 22 June 2016 at 17:50:53 UTC, Mike Wey wrote:
"Type T wraps should match the type of the data"

Does string match the type of the data? What is the type of the data? How do i tell the function that i want the Array as a string array? I am
not familiar with Types and what 'TC' or 'T' is, i am afraid.

toArray currently only works for GtkD classes, so it doesn't work for lists of stings.

ListG is a linked list, the data is stored in the data property. to iterate over the list do something like this:

ListG list = widget.getStyleContext().listClasses();

while(list !is null)
        string str = to!string(cast(char*)list.data);

        //do something with str.

        list = list.next;

Thanks alot! Works perfectly!

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