On Saturday, 2 July 2016 at 00:08:10 UTC, Hiemlick Hiemlicker wrote:
On Friday, 1 July 2016 at 23:36:35 UTC, Basile B. wrote:
On Friday, 1 July 2016 at 23:26:19 UTC, Hiemlick Hiemlicker wrote:
On Friday, 1 July 2016 at 23:03:17 UTC, Basile B. wrote:
Ok, Does that mean


void foo()
   Foo f;



An example usage is for the singleton pattern:

    T singletonViaFactory(T, A...)(A a)
    if (is(T == class))
        static T instance;
        if (instance)
            return instance;
            return new T(a);

"instance" is well a global variable and not a local, but it's hidden from the outside world.

Also, then how do I declare a struct to be "global" so that it can be common to all threads? Do I have to declare _gshared for each element of the struct?

no, just put __gshared before the variable declaration, not for each member:

    struct Foo
        int i;

    __gshared Foo foo;

is fine.

I use a struct with static members so I do not have to instantiate it. It is essentially a singleton. I want all the variables to be __gshared. I guess I have to prefix all variables with it?

Basically I have Foo.i; on foo. i is static, of course. I also want it to be __gshared.

Makes sense to me that

__gshared struct x;

all of x's variables should be __gshared.

__gshared is a storage modifier only NOT a type modifier. As opposed to immutable which is both, i.e. one can mark a class immutable and then only create immutable classes.

if you want to be able to use members without a declaration. then you must use

struct Foo
    static int i;

void main()
    Foo.i = 42;

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