I want to implement some caching for HTTP GET requests. Basically a map of URL to content. A cache needs some additional meta data (size, age, etc).

There seem to be two basic data structures available: Associative array (AA) or red black tree (RBT).

With AA cache eviction is inefficient. It requires to sort the keys of the AA with respect to a field in the value. Stack overflow says "use RBT instead" [0].

With RBT retrieving something is inefficient. To get an entry, we need to create an fake entry with the key and get a range of entries 'equal' to the fake one? Or can I exploit some "find on sorted range" algorithm somewhere?

Alternatively, any better idea to implement the cache? I guess there is no off-the-shelf/dub solution.

[0] https://stackoverflow.com/questions/10060625/how-to-sort-associative-arrays

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