I would never (ever) do this myself, but trying to understand dmd, the code is absolutely packed with things like this:

extern(C++) class Package : ScopeDSymbol
  override const(char)* kind() const
     return "package";
  override final inout(Package) isPackage() inout
     return this;

How exactly does that... work? Is the body of such a member function written in the D Programming Language? Or is it some weird hybrid of D and C++ that just has a human programmer brain taking into account all the times that differing name mangling might produce different code? I mean, Package.resolve for instance is a non-trivial function. Can you not use templates inside such a function? Can you only use other "extern(C++)" types? Can you import from other modules, inside such a function?

The documents say nothing about this, only defining their examples as stubs, like
extern(C++) class Foo {
  void bar();

The documentation also avoids any memory allocation in D, instead assuming C++ routines like createInstance to use malloc to allocate the classes. But the code in dmd makes extensive use of things like this:
extern(C++) ... {
  final extern(D) this(...) { ... }

How would you create new objects of types that are declared extern(C++)? Just new, and mark the constructor as extern(D)?

I realize DMD is a horrible program that was Frankensteined from C++ code ages ago and is practically still C++ itself, and that DMD has to have /full/ control of symbol mangling, but it is also sort of important, not just as a D compiler, but as one of the only programs left in the world that produces optimized assembly, rather than passing it on to gcc or LLVM. So, understanding it is kind of an interest of mine.

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