On Tuesday, 26 July 2016 at 15:11:00 UTC, llaine wrote:
I'm using D since a few month now and I was wondering why people don't jump onto it that much and why it isn't the "big thing" already.

D2 is under active development. Bugs get fixed, bottlenecks get optimized, and features get added or improved constantly.

These changes don't usually seem like a big deal from one release to the next, but they add up quickly. Compared to what we have now, D2 was (in my opinion) unfinished junk a few years ago. The quality has improved a lot since then, but it will take time for the bad taste left in many people's mouthes by the unstable, incomplete early builds to be forgotten.

This is a common problem for open source projects: the dev team is naturally more enthusiastic about the project than others, and also feels pressure to market it in order to attract testers, contributors, and donors. The result is that the product is declared "ready" before it really is by the standards of outsiders. People get fooled by the hype, try a half-baked build, and sour on the project.

As long as the dev team continues to solve D2's problems faster than they're adding new ones, I expect that adoption will continue to increase.

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