On Wednesday, 27 July 2016 at 23:59:15 UTC, WhatMeWorry wrote:

I've been stumped for several days trying to resolve this run time error. I'm pretty new with Linux. No problem on Windows.


before DerelictFI.load
 Failed to load symbol FreeImage_JPEGTransform from shared library 

Here's what my shared library looks like. 3.17.0 should be the latest.

(dmd-2.071.0)generic@generic-ThinkCentre-M93p:~/MySharedLibraries$ ls -al 
-rw-r--r-- 1 generic generic 731208 Mar 9 02:54 libfreeimage-3.17.0.so lrwxrwxrwx 1 generic generic 17 Jul 22 21:11 libfreeimage.so -> libfreeimage.so.3 lrwxrwxrwx 1 generic generic 22 Jul 22 21:11 libfreeimage.so.3 -> libfreeimage-3.17.0.so

Google showed me [1], so if you are on Fedora that's likely the issue. Regardless, if this is a function you aren't using, you can use Selective Symbol Loading [2] to ignore it. Otherwise, you'll have to build a custom FreeImage binary that includes it.

[1] https://gitlab.alelec.net/corona/mingw-packages/blob/001d5085ebb99241004caef02db9fbd3d66a2a83/mingw-w64-FreeImage/FreeImage-3.16.0_disable-some-plugins.patch

[2] http://derelictorg.github.io/using/fail.html

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