On Tuesday, 9 August 2016 at 05:33:09 UTC, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
Personally, I think that you should just make it a member function if it's not a generic function, but to each their own,

Well, I use generics for when I have like, optional functionality that isn't inherent to the class itself. Since I avoid using wildcard imports, I won't import any generics I don't specify by name, when I import the class itself.

It's good for extending or adding informal things on the side, bells and whistles basically. Sometimes it can be useful for third party structures. Or combinations of existing member functions, in ways that only have limited applicability (like a calculation for graphics, that the database backend won't care about).

        return a && b || c && !d;

And... the feature already exists, I just didn't know about it. Thanks!

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