
I'm trying to check at compilation time if a given type implements some operator (let's assume it's '+' in this case), without caring about the type of the parameters it accepts. Since operator overloading is expressed in D through templated functions, what is the preferred way of checking if a template is / can be instantiated with a given parameter list?

So far I've come with a solution using __trait(compiles, ...), but perhaps it's not 100% reliable -I'm no expert in template wizardry-, or there are better options. I also tried with hasMember, but it apparantly only shows that "opBinary" is indeed present, but nothing more:

void main() {
        struct S {
                int opBinary(string op)(int i) if (op == "+") {
                        return 0;

        static assert(__traits(compiles, S.opBinary!"+"));
        static assert(!__traits(compiles, S.opBinary!"-"));

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