On Thursday, 11 August 2016 at 18:11:30 UTC, Engine Machine wrote:
I have the need, in some cases, to pass static information to a template class but don't want it to affect its type.

import std.algorithm, core.stdc.stdlib;
struct X(int defaultSize = 100)
   int Size;
   int* p;
   void foo(int size)
    Size = max(size, defaultSize);
    p = cast(int*)malloc(Size);

If I do

X!100 x;
X!100 y;
X!50 z;

then I can do

x = y;

but not

x = z;

but of course D things these are completely different types. The type it self does not depend on the default size.

While one could argue that it can be unsafe, in the my context, it is not.

Is there any way to get D to understand I want do not want a template parameter to be part of the type comparison?

I use several parameters to pass info to the type that does not change affect the type itself. It prevents the "same type" from being used with "itself".

another example:

struct s(T1, T2)


s!(int, double)


s!(int, float)

should really be the same type! The fact that T2 is not used is important!

I guess D just can't handle it though?

Another good example is if something like

template X(bool ClearMemory = false)


ClearMemory would clearly not affect the type if it just clears memory that is malloc'ed, yet D would treat treat X!true from X!false.

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