On Sunday, 21 August 2016 at 15:25:59 UTC, David Nadlinger wrote:
On Sunday, 21 August 2016 at 14:57:15 UTC, Seb wrote:
An alternative would be to compile your application locally, then copy it over to your container. I don't know how similar CoreOs to a typical Linux distribution is, but if it comes with the typical shared libraries (libm.so, libc.so, lipthread.so), this should be possible ;-)

LDC also allows you to create fully statically linked executables (-static). It allows you to sidestep issues with shared library version incompatibilities, but of course there has been a few technical issues and lot more politicking regarding fully statically linked executables on Linux.

 — David

Oh I totally forgot about this, despite I think it's a great feature. Btw @Suliman fully static linking with LDC is used for the DLang Tour, which is built with Vibe.d and deployed using a docker container (based on busybox). Maybe that's worth looking at:


(it adds a bit more, because the dockerized DLang Tour runs docker containers for each run)

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