On Sunday, 18 September 2016 at 22:07:31 UTC, brocolis wrote:
I've tried this code.

import ggplotd.ggplotd;
import ggplotd.geom;
import ggplotd.aes;
import ggplotd.axes;
import std.math;

auto r(double theta)
        return 2 * sin(6*theta);

auto getX(double theta)
        return r(theta) * cos(theta);

auto getY(double theta)
        return r(theta) * sin(theta);

void main()
    import std.array : array;
    import std.algorithm : map;
    import std.range : iota;
    auto theta = iota(0, 2*PI, 0.1).array;
    auto xs = theta.map!((x) => getX(x)).array;
    auto ys = xs.map!((x) => getY(x)).array;

auto gg = GGPlotD().put( geomLine( Aes!(typeof(xs), "x", typeof(ys), "y")(xs, ys) ) );

    gg.put( xaxisRange(-5, 5) ).put( xaxisLabel( "x" ) );
    gg.put( yaxisRange(-5, 5) ).put( yaxisLabel( "y" ) );
    gg.put( xaxisOffset(0) ).put( yaxisOffset(0) );
    gg.save( "output.png", 500, 300 );

And I got the output: http://imgur.com/KwLYJpN


I need to somehow activate "polar" mode in ggplotd. Thanks.

Found an error in ys line. Thanks.

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