
I'm continuing to look at properties in D and have found another area where I think there may be an issue - or maybe where I'm doing something wrong.

I have started trying to use constraints on my properties to constrain which values they can take I have also started trying to use interfaces. What I noticed was that when I combine these 2 features the constraints get discarded.

    interface Widthy {
        @property inout(int) width() inout;
        @property void width(int width);

    class Test : Widthy {
        int _w;
        @property inout(int) width() inout { return _w; }
        @property void width(int width)
        in {
            import std.exception;
            if (width < 0) {
                throw new
                Exception("width is less than zero");
        body {
            _w = width;

    void main() {
        import std.stdio;
        auto t = new Test;
        t.width = -1;
        writeln("width: ", t.width);
        // width: -1

        // hmmm... not good

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