Dne 27.10.2016 v 20:54 Jot via Digitalmars-d-learn napsal(a):

Using Vibe.D here;

How can one work with the DB's abstractly without incurring duplicity. I'd like to be able to create one struct and use that, either in D or the DB. I'd prefer to create a struct in D and interact through that struct with the database abstracted away.

struct Person
    string name;

Person Joes = Person.Query!name("^Joe.*")

Or whatever is an appropriate example.

What Iwant to avoid is having to duplicate the database structures in their native language(json for mongodb).

Or, maybe there is a D struct to json convertor?

What are you describe here is called ORM (Object relational mapping) in this case it is much more like SRM (Struct relational mapping). AFAIK there is no ORM for mongodb, and it does not make much sense because mongo is not relational database. But maybe one of these libraries could be useful http://code.dlang.org/packages/asdf
  • MongoDB/DB <-> D Jot via Digitalmars-d-learn
    • Re: MongoDB/DB <-> D Daniel Kozak via Digitalmars-d-learn

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