On Thursday, 27 October 2016 at 14:04:23 UTC, Gianni Pisetta wrote:
Hi all,
I have an AliasSeq composed of literal strings, variables and delegates. I want to build a template Optimize that will return an AliasSeq that have all adjacent literals concatenated into one. So i writed something like this:

template isStringLiteral(alias V) {
    enum bool isStringLiteral = ( is( typeof( V ) == string ) );

template Optimize(Os...) {
    static if ( Os.length < 2 )
        alias Optimize = Os;
    else {
        alias Optimized = Optimize!(Os[1..$]);

static if ( isStringLiteral!(Os[0]) && isStringLiteral!(Optimized[0]) ) {
            enum string First = Os[0] ~ Optimized[0];
            alias Rest = Optimized[1..$];
        else {
            alias First = AliasSeq!(Os[0]);
            alias Rest = Optimized;
        alias Optimize = AliasSeq!(First, Rest);

but at the moment isStringLiteral will return true even with variables of type string. So i searched for a metod to check if an alias is a literal value, but found nothing. Anyone have any clue on how can be done?

Gianni Pisetta

Hello, I think the correct isStringLiteral would be:


template isStringLiteral(alias V)
    enum isCompileTime = is(typeof((){enum a = V;}));
    enum isString = is(typeof(V) == string);
    enum isStringLiteral = isCompileTime && isString;

    string a;
    enum b = "0";
    enum c = 0;
    static assert(!isStringLiteral!a);
    static assert(isStringLiteral!b);
    static assert(!isStringLiteral!c);

It's decomposed to show the logic:

1. If the delegate that assigns the parameter to a compile-time enum is valid we know that the parameter value is defined at compile-time.
2. check that the parameter is a string.

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