On Thursday, 10 November 2016 at 20:12:10 UTC, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
On Thursday, November 10, 2016 17:41:02 Picaud Vincent via Digitalmars-d- learn wrote:
It is certainly a compiler problem: I used gdc -> compile error, but with dmd it compiles and runs fine. Full details in the git repo.

Don't bother with gdc at this point. Unless there's a development version of it that's actually up-to-date and hasn't been released yet, it's too old to be reliable with regards to what correct D is. If something doesn't work in gdc, it could easily be because of a bug that has since been fixed. Unfortunately, the gdc folks have never managed to release an updated gdc that uses the D version of the compiler front-end, so as I understand it, they're still stuck at 2.067 (which is over 2 years old), whereas dmd is now at 2.072. ldc should be reasonably up-to-date if you want an alternative to dmd, and I expect that the gdc guys will get there eventually, but they haven't yet.

- Jonathan M Davis

I just have compiled my example with ldc and everything is ok!
I was not aware of that concerning gdc. Thank you for this information, I lost around 2 hours struggling with initial code trying to guess what was wrong.
Conclusion: now I will only use ldc and dmd.
Thanks to Steven too for his clarification concerning template<->symbol

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