I'd like to create a UTF16 text file on Windows 7, using std.stdio.File and std.stdio.File.write... functions (so no binary write, no Win32 functions).

I was experimenting with variations of this code…:

import std.stdio;

int main(string[] argv)
    auto output = File("wide_text.txt", "wt");
    return 0;

…and didn't succeed; the output was [0x41, 0x0d, 0x0a] and not what I dreamed about: [\ufeff, \u0041, \u000d, 0u000a]. (After I looked into the Phobos source code, well, it was not a surprise...)

VS2015 (and its runtime) has a non-standard solution for this; the c++ code below does the trick:

#include <cstdio>
#include <cwchar>

void main()
    FILE * output;
    fopen_s(&output, "test.txt", "wt+,ccs=UTF-16LE");
    fwprintf(output, L"A\n");

Do you know about anything of similar complexity in D?
If not, I think it would be useful.

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