First, a reminder that we have this great resource of D idioms:

The link above has an idiom of mixing in a byRef() member function to a struct. I think I've simplified the template by moving typeof(this) inside it:

mixin template RvalueRef()    // <-- DOES NOT TAKE A PARAMETER ANY MORE
    alias T = typeof(this);
    static assert (is(T == struct));

    @nogc @safe
    ref const(T) byRef() const pure nothrow return
        return this;

struct Vector2f
    float x, y;

    this(float x, float y) pure nothrow
        this.x = x;
        this.y = y;

    mixin RvalueRef;            // <-- SIMPLER USE

void foo(ref const Vector2f pos)
    writefln("(%.2f|%.2f)", pos.x, pos.y);

void main()
    Vector2f v = Vector2f(42, 23);
    foo(v);                           // Works
foo(Vector2f(42, 23).byRef); // Works as well, and use the same function

Let me know if it's not the equivalent of the original.


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