On 23/11/2016 2:29 AM, RazvanN wrote:
Given the following code:

 char[5] a = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'];
 alias Range = char[];
 writeln(is(ElementType!Range == char));

One would expect that the program will print true. In fact, it prints
false and I noticed that if Range is char[], wchar[], dchar[], string,
wstring, dstring
Unqual!(ElementType!Range) is dchar. I find it odd that the internal
representation for char and string is dchar. Is this a bug?

"For example, ElementType!(T[]) is T if T[] isn't a narrow string; if it is, the element type is dchar"[0].

[0] https://dlang.org/phobos/std_range_primitives.html#ElementType

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