On 14/12/2016 4:42 AM, Namal wrote:
Hello, comming from C++, I find it hard to remember and understand how
reading from file should be done in D. Especially since I am not very
good in functional programming. So I have a file which looks like this:


and so on

How could I read it row by row and create an array accordingly without
reading the comma?

import std.stdio : File;
import std.algorithm : splitter, count;
import std.conv : to;

foreach(line; File("myfile.csv", "r").byLine) {
        int[] linetemp;
        linetemp.length = line.count(",") + 1;

        size_t i;
        foreach(num; line.splitter(",")) {
                linetemp[i] = to!int(num);

        // ... = linetemp.dup;

This could be done a lot simpler especially with std.csv help for your case. But this should work with only one allocation per line.

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