
It is my understanding that a class can have a struct as one of its members, and it will be allocated in-line with the rest of the class' members. My question is this; how might I be able to do this with another class? I want to be able to allocate Foo using std.experimental.allocator without having to pass in a reference to the actual allocator. Thanks.

class SomeClass {}

class Foo {
    this(IAllocator alloc) {
        sc = alloc.make!SomeClass;
        this.alloc = alloc

    ~this() {

    size_t something;
    SomeClass sc;
    IAllocator alloc

auto foo = alloc.make!Foo(alloc);


struct SomeStruct {}

class Foo {
    this() {
        ss = SomeStruct (...);

    size_t something;
    SomeStruct ss;

auto foo = alloc.make!Foo;

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