On Saturday, 17 December 2016 at 15:15:26 UTC, data pulverizer wrote:

Does this mean that you can translate C code to D natively? I am currently only aware of the dstep package.

with my head and bare hands. well, armed with some regular expressions. did you seen some of my "port" announcements? they all done manually. it's not that hard, mostly search-and-replace.

also, i did used c++ 'cause it has `auto` feature, so i pasted your declaration, and then played with c++ and -Wall until it silenced. actually,

void zoo (void) {}
auto goo (sqlite3_vfs *a,void *b, const char *zSymbol) { return &zoo; }

was taken verbatim from c++. as you can see, it even has `(void)`, which is forbidden in D (but allowed in my dmd fork ;-).

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