On Thursday, 29 December 2016 at 20:50:54 UTC, David  Zhang wrote:
On Thursday, 29 December 2016 at 20:33:33 UTC, Stefan Koch wrote:
It would be very helpful if you could provide example code that triggers that behavior.

I'd love to, but I'm not actually sure just what it is that breaks it. I can provide the git repo for one of them though though:


Ok, so after further fiddling, it seems to originate from here:

[from the list class]

@safe unittest {
    class A {
        int foo;

    auto list = new List!A();
    list ~= [new A, new A, new A];

    assert(list.findElement(null).result == null);

However, commenting it out, and replacing it with another block (the test immediately below it, causes it to hang too, or error out and crash without any error message.

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