On Thursday, 20 October 2016 at 09:58:07 UTC, Claude wrote:
I'm digging up that thread, as I want to do some multiple conditional compilation a well.

Well I'm digging up that thread again, but to post some positive experience feedback this time as I've found an answer to my own questions, and I thought I could share them.

I wanted to convert some C preprocessing code to D: thousands of conditional compilation macros #ifdef, #if defined() used in a program that determine the capabilities of a platform (number of CPU cores, SIMD availability, etc). So it had to check compiler types and versions, combined with the target architecture, and the OS, and the endianess and so on.

So the C implementation is a stream of:
#if defined(MYOS) || defined(ARCHITECTURE) && defined(__weirdstuff)
# blabla

And I though I would have to use some || and && operators in my D code as well.

So I did. I used that trick from Mike Parker and anonymous (see above in the thread) by declaring "enum bool"s to be checked with "static if"s later to implement specific feature.

So I had a stream of:

version (Win32)
  enum bool WindowsSupported = true;
  enum bool WindowsSupported = false;

version (Win64)
  enum bool WindowsSupported = true; //Ooops
  enum bool WindowsSupported = false; //Ooops

It turned out to be not so readable (even when using a "string mixin" to make the code tighter), and I cannot define twice an enum without using "static if", which was a deal-breaker. Also the conciseness of the versions for the D compilers (only 4: DMD, GDC, LDC and SDC), as well as the different OS versions made the code a lot tighter than the C version.

So I just dropped the enum definition thing and just used "version" as it was designed to be used:

version (Win32)
  version = WindowsSupported;
else version (Win64)
  version = WindowsSupported;
else etc...

So to my older question:

* Is there an "idiomatic" or "elegant" way of doing it? Should we use Mike Parker solution, or use the "template Version(string name)" solution (which basically just circumvent "version" specific limitation)?

That little experience showed that using version as it is designed currently is enough to elegantly cover my needs. And it seemed to scale well. Also I think it may force developers to handle all version specific stuff into one specific module and define your own version identifiers to list features from compiler, OS, target architecture version identifiers; which is a good coding practice anyway.


module mylib.platform;

version (ThisOs)
 version = ThatFeature;
 version = blabla;


module mylib.feature;

void doFeature()
version (ThatFeature)

But again, that's just my feedback from one single experience (even though I think that kind of code is quite common in C/C++ cross-platform libraries).

So I'm still curious as why Walter designed "version" that particular way, and if anyone has bumped on "version" (quasi-)limitations and what they think about it!

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