On Tuesday, 26 July 2016 at 13:32:00 UTC, Suliman wrote:
Ideally I need algorithm that can return bool if one polygon overlapped/intersected by another. But I do not know math.

After some googling I found topic on SO[1] about point inside/outside polygon. It's not directly what I need, but as temporal solution would be enough.

Maybe somebody already wrote this algorithm in D. Could you share it plz.

I tried to translate algorithm in D, but I do not understand some things. For example:

public static bool PointInPolygon(LatLong p, List<LatLong> poly) // Ok we are getting `p` - looking point, and `poly` -- our polygon. But what format it should have? WKT? Something else?

poly.Add(new LatLong { Lat = poly[0].Lat, Lon = poly[0].Lon }); // Why we add Lat and Long to poly? And again what it's format?

All other code look work in D to.

[1] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/924171/geo-fencing-point-inside-outside-polygon/6786279#6786279

How could I miss this. Working:


It works fine. I've tested it after translation and rotation: Okay.

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