On Monday, 16 January 2017 at 18:02:09 UTC, Andrey wrote:
Hello, can I using namespaces like in C++, for example: ui::Widget or ui::Manager? I created ui/widget.d and ui/manager.d for implementation classes Widget and Manager, bun I can't import their correctly for using ui.Manager uiManager;

It should be:

ui.manager.Manager uiManager;

D namespaces generally follow the format [package names].moduleName.Type. So to have ui.Manager, then either the module, not the package, needs to be named 'ui', or you need to do the following:

// file ui/package.d
module ui;
public import ui.manager;

// file ui/manager.d
module ui.manager;
class Manager {}

Then you should be able to use ui.Manager and bypass the module name. The alternatives of static and named imports also work, but they need to be repeated in every module in which you want to use them.

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