On Wednesday, 25 January 2017 at 22:59:55 UTC, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
Yes, but my point is that you're normally only going to use .ptr to pass something to a C function, and even if you're doing more with it in D, odds are, you're going to be doing pointer arithmetic.

Wrong again. If this were the case, we wouldn't have needed to make it a deprecation at all, since all uses would have been mistakes. A non-negligible amount of real-world D code actually uses single-object pointers. Look up the change history if you are interested – and indeed, making sure one understands the topic sufficiently well to meaningfully contribute before typing out a wall-length sermon would collectively save us a good chunk of time.

And when you combine it with marking C function @trusted, this is actually pretty bad.

Ex falso quodlibet – once you have a piece of code mistakenly marked @trusted, all guarantees are out of the window even without suspicious-looking client code. @safe-ty is about mechanically verifiable code, not faith-based programming.

 — David

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