On Thursday, 26 January 2017 at 02:29:07 UTC, Ivan Kazmenko wrote:
On Thursday, 26 January 2017 at 01:47:53 UTC, Profile Anaysis wrote:
does this mean that have

    int[][4][4] matrix_history;


    int[4][4][] matrix_history;

this creates even a more set of problems.

In short, you are right, `int[4][4][]` is a dynamic array of `int[4][4]`. In turn, `int[4][4]` is a static length-4 array of `int[4]`, and that is a static length-4 array of `int`. It's quite logical once you learn how to read it: if T is a type, then T[] is a dynamic array of that type, and T[4] is a static length-4 array of that type.

So, if I have `int[2][5][7] a;` somewhere, the very last element is `a[6][4][1]`. If you are inclined to think in terms of this difference, the simple rule of thumb would be that the order of dimensions in the declaration is reversed.

Thanks, knowing the last element is important ; Basically I just need to know the proper index. For me, having the array declared in symbolic form that matches the indexing, like in C/C++, is quicker, easier to remember, and harder to forget. I don't really care too much beyond that. They could be declared any way... but I find myself getting confused in D because of little things like this that don't carry over while almost everything else is.

Also, note that if you want to have, for example, a dynamic array of 5 dynamic arrays of the same length 7 (modeling a C rectangular array, or a D static array, but with possibility to change the length of each row, as well as the number of rows), you would go with
`auto a = new int [] [] (5, 7);` (initialization)
The static array of 5 static arrays of length 7 is still
`int [7] [5] a;` (type declaration)
So the reverse only happens in type declarations.

(On the contrary, declarations in C or C++ looks rather unintuitive from this perspective: `T a[4][5][6]` is means that `a` is an array of 4 arrays of 5 arrays of 6 arrays of `T`. Note how we have to read left-to-right but then wrap around the string to get the meaning.)

lol, I don' tknow what the last sentence means. wrap around the string? Do you mean look at the variable?

For me the interpretation above is the most logical because it is a sequential operation in my mind, if you will. x of y of z and the chain can be cut off anywhere and the interpretation still be the same.

Since I am a native speaker of English, which is a left to right language, it just makes sense. I, am, of coursed biased because I started with C/C++ rather than D.

Additionally, reading about various kinds of arrays in D might help:

And more in-depth material about array slicing:

Ivan Kazmenko.

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