Can I pass a type, instead of a variable of a type, to a template function in order to decide the datatype of T in a function?

void function(T)(T x) //works
    T data;
    //do stuff with T, ignoring x.

void function2(T)() //hypothetical, specify the type... somehow?
    T data;

void function3(T)(T) //hypothetical, specify the datatype in the argument list
    T data;

void main()
    float f=0;
    float d=0;
    function1(f); //works
    function1(d); //works

    function2!float(); //?
    function3!float(); //?

    function3(float);  //?
    function3(double); //?

It seems like this would be a useful construct for Factory pattern that assembles any class that you specify as long as the called methods work out. (ala Duck Typing, "if it walks() and quacks() like a duck, it's a duck")

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