On Saturday, 25 February 2017 at 15:13:27 UTC, Radu wrote:

Here is sample on how destroy fails with a fwd decl error:

struct A
    B b;
    C c;

struct B
    Wrap!A val;

struct C
    Wrap!A val;

struct Wrap(T)

    this(bool b)
        t = cast(T*) malloc(T.sizeof);

destroy(*t); // Error: struct app.A no size because of forward reference
    T* t;

Thanks for the example.

Manual management fails now with the current construct, inst't it?

Hm, that's an issue you'd best take up to the bugtracker, I think. Maybe there's a way around that, but I don't know.

auto a = cast (A*) malloc(A.sizeof); // Allocate
emplace(a, 42);                      // Construct

destroy(a);                          // Destruct
|-- here a becomes null
assert(a is null); // :}
free(a);                             // Deallocate
|- free null...

You need to save a into a temp, then call free on temp.

A nice to have enhancement would be to return the destroyed pointer from destroy, enabling something like:


Well, yes, but that is still backwards-incompatible and breaking user code is something I was under the impression was a big NO currently.

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