On Wednesday, 1 March 2017 at 06:04:32 UTC, Cecil Ward wrote:
struct vec_struct {
    alias field this;
    bool b;
    int8 field;

In this code when you look at the generated x64 code output by GDC it seems to be doing a nice job, because it has got the offset right for the 256-bit YMM 'field' correct.

Does D automatically propagate the alignment restrictions on the field to the allocation of static structs or structs on the stack?

In this case:

struct vec_struct {
    bool b2;
    struct {
        alias field this;
        bool b;
        int8 field;
it appears that the offset to 'field' is no longer aligned correctly - offset is 40 bytes in GDC. I don't suppose the compiler will use solely unaligned instructions? In any event, I could take the address of field and then pass that to someone expecting to pick up something with guaranteed correct alignment, if I have understood the D docs.

Yeah, it looks like the semantic analysis pass is defeating us here. It's adding the anonymous struct offset to the aligned field, ignoring completely the original alignment.

Or... the anonymous struct alignment != largest field alignment, which probably is the more likely scenario.

Please raise a bug against DMD.

Simple test case would be:

struct vec_struct {
    bool b2;
    struct {
        bool b;
        int8 field;

static assert(vec_struct.b.offsetof == 32);
static assert(vec_struct.field.offsetof == 64);

Noob q: I notice that the GDC opcodes look a bit odd, for example the compiler generates a 256-bit unaligned fetch followed by an aligned binary operation (I think), eg a movdqu followed by a vpaddd r, ymm ptr blah - is the latter aligned-only? Apologies if I have got this wrong, need to read up. Would someone sanity-check me?

The x86 allows unaligned loads. But if this is referencing the above data structure, you shouldn't be seeing this if the fields were correctly aligned.

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