On Friday, 17 March 2017 at 09:04:18 UTC, Andrea Fontana wrote:
On Friday, 17 March 2017 at 00:35:32 UTC, Philip Miess wrote:
This is my first 100+ line D program.
Its a translation/refactor of aceyducy from 101 basic programs.
Could someone look over it and see if I've made any glaring mistakes.
Suggestions are welcome also.


// Probably you mean > rather than >=
if ( card1 >= card2 ) {
    swap( card1, card2);

// This is an old way to avoid not-intended assigment
// but in D problem doesn't exists (and yoda notation doesn't work well with overloads, i think)
if ( 0 == bet )

Another problem: you doesn't check if bet is negative. So if i bet -1000$ and I lose my bet, i actually become richer.


Anyway, on original .bas code I read:
330 IF A>=B THEN 270

That means that card1 and card2 can't be equals, but in your code this could happen.


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