On 02/04/2017 2:58 PM, Begah wrote:
To load up 3D models in my application, i decided to use the COLLADA
model format, to do that i need to be able to extract information out of
an xml file.

Since std.xml is going to be deprecated eventually, is opted to try and
use std.experiment.xml.

So i created a test project and added this dependency to dub.json :
"std-experimental-xml": "~>0.1.2"

I then tried and compiled the exemple i found on the xml wiki at

Code :
// Made sure I imported Everything
import std.experimental.xml.appender;
import std.experimental.xml.cursor;
import std.experimental.xml.dom;
import std.experimental.xml.domimpl;
import std.experimental.xml.domparser;
import std.experimental.xml.dtd;
import std.experimental.xml.faststrings;
import std.experimental.xml.interfaces;
import std.experimental.xml.lexers;
import std.experimental.xml.parser;
import std.experimental.xml.sax;
import std.experimental.xml.validation;
import std.experimental.xml.writer;
import std.experimental.xml.legacy;
import std.stdio;

void main() {
    string input = q"{
        <?xml version = "1.0"?>
           <book ISBN = "078-5342635362">
               <title>The D Programming Language</title>
               <author>A. Alexandrescu</author>
           <book ISBN = "978-1515074601">
               <title>Programming in D</title>
               <author>Ali Çehreli</author>
           <book ISBN = "978-0201704310">
               <title>Modern C++ Design</title>
               <author>A. Alexandrescu</author>

    // the following steps are all configurable
    auto domBuilder =
       .lexer              // instantiate the best lexer based on the
type of input
       .parser             // instantiate a parser on top of the lexer
       .cursor             // instantiate a cursor on top of the parser
       .domBuilder;        // and finally the DOM builder on top of the

    // the source is forwarded down the parsing chain and everything is

    // recursively build the entire DOM tree
    auto dom = domBuilder.getDocument;

    // find and substitute all matching authors
    foreach (author; dom.getElementsByTagName("author"))
       if (author.textContent == "A. Alexandrescu")
           author.textContent = "Andrei Alexandrescu";

    // write it out to "catalogue.xml"
    auto file = File("catalogue.xml", "w");
        .writerFor!string   // instatiates an xml writer on top of an
output range
        .writeDOM(dom);     // write the document with all of its children


When trying to compile, i get the following error :
Error: no property 'lexer' for type 'string'

There are also a lot of variable types not recognized by the compiler.

Is the wiki example completely outdated or am i missing something?

Quite out of date.

Here is some code that worked for me:

string raw_input = ...;

        auto domBuilder = raw_input
                        .cursor((CursorError err){})
        auto dom = domBuilder.getDocument;

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