On Sunday, 2 April 2017 at 16:02:06 UTC, FreeSlave wrote:
On Sunday, 2 April 2017 at 09:58:19 UTC, ANtlord wrote:
On Saturday, 1 April 2017 at 16:39:28 UTC, FreeSlave wrote:
This page has many examples. Which exactly do you try to run and how do you build it? Which compilers, OS?

My bad. I've tested example under caption Using C++ Classes From D. I used several combinations of compilers, and no one works for me.
OS: ArchLinux
D compilers: DMD 2.073.2, LDC 1.1.0
C++ compiler: gcc 6.3.1, clang 3.9

Also I've created reposotory contains test project. Anyone can take a look on that for clearance. https://github.com/ANtlord/cpp_to_d_test

Now I see. 'Using C++ Classes From D' crashes for me too. It also returns the wrong value from 'field' method. Should be 5, but it returns 0. Probably regression.

Funny thing: If I replace interface with abstract class, it works as it should.

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